Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012


Nick left a pair of head sketches laying around where I could find them. So I photocopied the page and embellished them with a black pen and a few highlighters!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


I arrived at work to find a post-it note scribble by Nick: an alien woman's head. So being the collaborative-yet-conscientious fellow I am, I decided to draw a body for the poor creature (while on hold with the help desk), and at the same time leaving Nick's work untouched.

I slapped another post-it note under the woman's neck, drew part of a body, and then attached both yellow squares to a standard sheet of printer paper to have room for the rest of the figure:

Fast-forward to a later phone call with the same help desk, and I took the time to color the image with a few handy-dandy highlighter markers, thus completing yet another 'lost minutes' creation... Thanks, Nick!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Note-Taking Scribble

I can't not draw while I am listening to a lecture or participating in a meeting (or in this case, a conference call). Is it wierd that I usually have colored pens around no matter where I am? Great for that metallic sheen!

Monday, November 5, 2012


I've been practicing on my iPad using the app ProCreate. It's been pretty awesome and keeps me jazzed about drawing. At first I was going to attempt to draw myself as Wolverine as a sort of belated Halloween-themed drawing. But then I just kind of drew Wolverine instead.

I intended for him to be grimacing, as a Wolverine should, but someone pointed out he looks constipated. But hey, Wolverine has normal problems too, right?