Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ezriyna and the Dark Dimension

Today's drawing, accidentally begun with a ball point pen, instead of erasable pencil!

Ezriyna the Quick protects the village of Aarru from a Dark Dimension horror...

'indoor' flash setting

'aquarium' flash setting

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Benvolio and The Imp

Colored version of Benvolio capturing the Imp of Oakenvale at the Tower of Phinnucia:

Saturday, April 7, 2018

April Project

Yesterday I decided to concoct a project for myself, encompassing the month of April. I'll be creating three characters for a Dungeons & Dragons type story that I'll write and draw. I rolled them up by the rules last night, and came up with their personal histories, backgrounds and motivations. Today I drew what turned out to be a male warrior. After the scene was drawn I decided to name him Benvolio. He is at the lost Tower of Phinnucia, trying to catch the elusive Imp of Oakenvale, a local pest who has been terrorizing the nearby towns with his temper and minor illusions. The Imp steals from farms and outlying houses, and he has the key to the Tower upon his person. Or at least he did: