Monday, December 31, 2012

I Dunno What It Is...

...but it's what I drew today at lunch.

I think it's a gardening robot from the future...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Stolen Scribbles

The first hour of work was ridiculously quiet. Here is a quick sketch from the timespace between the two customers we had:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Work It

I was on the phone with the "help" desk last night three times from 7 pm to 8pm. This is how I spend my time on 'hold':

Media: Black ball point (top), and then blue sharpie, light blue highlighter, and blue ball point.

And this is what I scribbled out during a couple of minutes during the dead early hour this morning on the large Boogie Board:

It's been a lifelong habit of mine to fill in the gaps of time with random scribbles!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Conference Call Notes

I had a regional conference call at work today. Most of the information had already been passed down to us at our district call yesterday, so I had lots of time in between the aural spaces to fill in some visual space:

Drawn with a black ball-point pen, and then colored with the usual highlighter markers near at hand.