Wednesday, November 28, 2018

WW Day 5

Today I drew the Kitchen Wizard for Day 5 of Wizard Week 2018. 
It is a self-portrait of me using my magic to create a cheeseburger out of thin air:

WW Days 3 & 4

Trying to catch up with last week's Wizard Week 2018, I decided to draw on two bookless lunch breaks at work on Monday and Tuesday. I completed Day 3 and Day 4 with the available tools: sharpies, ballpoint pens, copier paper and dry erase markers, of limited colors.

Day 3: Garden Wizard

Day 4: Dropout Wizard(s) - Fred & George Weasley,
from the "Harry Potter" books.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

WW Day 2

Nautical Wizard

Shi'Reen is a wizard from the undersea kingdom of Bright Shoals. She spends her time guiding the vessels of surface-dwellers through the shallows and rocky areas nearby. She can be found out and about during storms, periods of swift currents, and other weather events, using her many spells to keep the air-breathers safe, and her city unmolested.

In the drawing she is using a Light spell and an Aura of Out-of-Water Breathing.

Monday, November 19, 2018

WW Day 1

Rainbow Wizard

The rainbow wizard learns how to project a different color of energy from each finger. Wider and more powerful effects can be achieved by using combinations of two or more fingers and/or the thumb. If a finger/thumb is lost, so are the various powers associated with that digit as well as any combination effects utilizing the missing digit(s). An open hand creates yellow light (no matter how many digits remain). A closed fist produces a minor pulse of kinetic force, able to push something/someone, or knock the target over. Both hands follow the same pattern:
  • Thumb: violet
  • Index finger: blue
  • Middle finger: green
  • Ring finger: orange
  • Pinkie finger: red
Many creative uses have been produced by various wizards over the centuries, many of them lost to time...

Indoor filter
Aquarium filter

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wizard Week 2018

Another drawing challenge is nigh upon me...

One solid week of D&D style drawing - right up my alley!

Monday, November 12, 2018


A couple more drawings I did in California over the span of October 27th- November 5th:

Pirate & Wizard on a Coastal Boat

"Have a break!"

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Days 28 - 31

The final four entries to Inktober were drawn in Walnut Creek, CA, as I was kid-sitting for my brother. I decided to go with a Halloween theme for rest of the challenge.

Day 28: GIFT

Day 29: DOUBLE

Day 30: JOLT

Day 31: SLICE

Friday, October 12, 2018

Day 8

I missed a few days due to my return to work. So here is a catch-up day:

Day 8: STAR

In case you can't tell, that's the Big Dipper in the telescope lens.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Finally, another drawing challenge! I haven't drawn anything of substance in months, so I am thrilled to have a public arena in which to be prodded into action. I will be joining tons of artists on Instagram, Twitter and other platforms in the event called Inktober: one ink drawing per day for each of October's 31 days.

Here is the official daily Prompt List:

If for some reason the prompt of the day is uninspiring I will choose another list for that day, but I will try my best to stick to this one.

And I am actually a day behind, so here is yesterday's:


Friday, May 4, 2018

Forest Doodle

A random drawing I did when I felt like drawing, but had no real idea of what to draw.

8½" x 11" hardbound sketchbook, freehand with Pigma Micron pen.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Ezriyna and the Dark Dimension

Today's drawing, accidentally begun with a ball point pen, instead of erasable pencil!

Ezriyna the Quick protects the village of Aarru from a Dark Dimension horror...

'indoor' flash setting

'aquarium' flash setting

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Benvolio and The Imp

Colored version of Benvolio capturing the Imp of Oakenvale at the Tower of Phinnucia:

Saturday, April 7, 2018

April Project

Yesterday I decided to concoct a project for myself, encompassing the month of April. I'll be creating three characters for a Dungeons & Dragons type story that I'll write and draw. I rolled them up by the rules last night, and came up with their personal histories, backgrounds and motivations. Today I drew what turned out to be a male warrior. After the scene was drawn I decided to name him Benvolio. He is at the lost Tower of Phinnucia, trying to catch the elusive Imp of Oakenvale, a local pest who has been terrorizing the nearby towns with his temper and minor illusions. The Imp steals from farms and outlying houses, and he has the key to the Tower upon his person. Or at least he did:

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Sunburst Monster in Color

I don't like the pose, and the head is too small, but I finally colored this:

I plan on doing other poses. I like this guy!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Bigger and Meaner

Another drawing of the sunburst monster I created last week. Penciled and ink outlining in the top drawing, and then loose, vaguely 'Kirby-esque' inks on the bottom one.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Gone Missing in March

I've been so busy with work that I haven't had much time to draw. This sunburst monster is the only thing I've drawn so far (3 days ago):

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

DDD Days 25 - 27

I spent all morning drawing the previous entry, and all evening doing this one. I combined Days 25 through 27 of the Challenge in order to catch up. Plus, the idea popped into my head right after finishing the pipe & box. So:

Urus the Minotaur gets separated from his friends, and finds himself navigating a Treacherous Ledge overlooking the ruins of an ancient Cursed Altar...

All photos taken with the 'aquarium' filter on my camera.
8" x 10"

Monday, February 26, 2018

DDD Day 24

Ornate Tobacco Box & Pipe

Drawn freehand (no pencils) this morning.
8" x 6"

Saturday, February 24, 2018

DDD Day 23

Back when Tim & Steve and I were playing Dungeons & Dragons in junior high and high school, there were so many cool and fascinating races to role-play or encounter, that the gnome seemed superfluous. Dwarves, halflings, orcs and even kobolds seemed WAY more cool.

So when Day 23's challenge came due, I knew I wouldn't have any heroic ideas in mind for the Seasoned Gnomish Warrior. So I drew this:

Ohr Durv is a gnome warrior (see his ultimately useless sword at the right hand side of the bowl?), and he is being well-seasoned! I laughed the whole time I drew this... Gnomes belong in mushroom gardens!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Monday, February 19, 2018

DDD Days 15 - 16

I got tired of the Week 2 part of the #DungeonDrawingDudes Challenge, and left out the final five drawings of that time span. But today I decided to jump into Week 3 and play a bit of catch-up.

Day 15 is a Forest Temple Map:

I drew it on a post-it note. I knew I wanted a Central America-style pyramid and a small village. I also added a stream and some column ruins in two places, plus the location of the Holy Spring (Day 18) and Ancient Golem Puzzle (Day 19), in the center of the right hand part of the drawing.

Day 16 is a drawing of Camembert, who is an Overprepared Elven Bard:

I gave him a ton of weapons, his trusty lute, and the aforementioned map. I haven't colored him yet, because I love the ink job, and from experience, sometimes the coloring process ruins the drawing.