Monday, February 25, 2019

DDD 19-21

I spent all day yesterday drawing a 3-day combination (because they were all fire-based creatures) of #DungeonDrawingDudes prompts:
  • Day 19: Flame Harpy Rookery
  • Day 20: Azer (fire dwarf)
  • Day 21: Fire Giant
I include shots of initial pencils, and then various stages of progression, because I am often unhappy with the finished colored version...

Sunday, February 17, 2019

DDD 10 and 12 and 15

I had today off so I caught up with three days of Dungeon Drawing Dudes.

Day 10: Fungi Beast

Day 12 and 15: Elven Potion Maker and Green Hag

Friday, February 8, 2019


Since I am working so much, I am going to skip ahead (when I fall behind) to the prompts that inspire me most.

Today at work I drew Day 6: Glirvin's Prized Mounted Fish using available tools: an envelope, ballpoint pen, and sharpies.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019


I finally had a chance to draw one of the challenges at home, with decent materials.

Day 3: Gnome Style Buffet

Gnomes are simple and filthy creatures, so their buffet spread at The Inn consists of only two dishes: lukewarm froggy stew and spicy ant whipped potatoes. Plus grubby fingerprints everywhere, and copious amounts of stray beard hair...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

DDD 1 and 2

I work six day weeks now. So I drew the first two days of the Dungeon Drawing Dudes challenge at work, with the available tools:

Day 1: Dwarven Blacksmith

Day 2: Bathroom Key

The bathroom key of the inn has a "Charm of Returning" embedded into it, which is activated the moment the key opens the outhouse lock, causing the key to zip magically through the air and back onto its hook at the main bar.