Tuesday, December 7, 2021

In the Neighborhood

Alas, someday humans and their phallic-shaped rockets will be a plague upon the galaxy...

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

LoSH: Green and Shooter

Here is the colored version of my Green Legion (all members who wore green at some point, in MY version of the Legion of Super-Heroes).

Things that I am unhappy with: Lamprey (front right) should have a wider, flatter head (it's too long); Spider Girl's (redhead) neck is way too long; Element Lad's (far left) hair is a bit off; and Dragonmage (front, gold) should look more mystical. Otherewise it's a lot of work into something pretty decent.

The other drawing was supposed ot be my version of the four characters created by Jim Shooter, and introduced in "Adventure Comics" #346. However, I wasn't 'feeling it' on Karate Kid and Nemesis Kid, so I just drew Andrew and Jeckie (Ferro Lad and Princess Projectra) in the earliest uniforms. Also, as Shooter intended Ferro Lad to be of African descent, it's how I prefer him in my Legion as well.

More of my Legion forthcoming as the fall and winter progress!

Saturday, November 20, 2021


A couple of my friends & I went to Harvard Square and Davis Square last night. Tonight I drew the three beers (well, two beers, three locations/drinking vessels) I had.

Left to right:

  1. Grendel's Ale from Grendel's Den
  2. Fiddlehead IPA from Russell House Tavern
  3. Fiddlehead IPA from Saloon

Sunday, November 7, 2021

More Green and Another

 I did the full outline inking for the Green legion, and I also drew a random D&D-style warrior.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Green Legion

On a whim a few nights ago I decided to draw all of the members of the Legion of Super Heroes (my 'adjusted' version) who have worn green costumes at any given time.

Here are the first 2 images of the team, consisting of (left to right): Element Lad, Shrinking Violet, Mist Master, Chemical King, Spider Girl, Dragonmage, Chlorophyl Kid and Lamprey.

Saturday, October 16, 2021

Inktober 2021 - Week 2

I got a couple more prompts completed, both drawn on work breaks with available tools (ball point pens, hilighter markers, etc...):

Day 9: Pressure

Day 10: Pick (ball point)

Day 10: Pick (finished)

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Inktober 2021 - Week 1

For the first week of Inktober 2021 I was able to get 4 prompts done:

Day 1: Crystal

For Day One I hastily scribbled out a red crystal sitting in grass, slowly being split over time.

Day 2: Suit (outline)

Day 2: Suit (final)

For Day Two I was at work, so I used the tools at hand: ball point pens and neon hi-liter markers.

Day 3: Vessel (bottle) and Day 6: Spirit

And for Days 3 and 6 (I wanted to get as many done as possible) I drew Boo Berry the cereal mascot, escaping from the bottle in which he'd been encased. And on the table alongside the bottle are a couple of relevant books as well!

Friday, October 1, 2021


 As usual, I'll do my best with this annual drawing challenge!

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Gourd O'Lanterns

 It's a bit early for Halloween drawings, so last night I went for something a little different:

Gourd O'Lanterns

Friday, April 30, 2021


While hanging out with the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century, a few of the X-Men stumble across Fatal Five member Validus on a mindless rampage. Cyclops leads Colossus and Cannonball in wrangling the misguided beast...

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hanging Out

Another Legion of Super-Heroes and X-Men hang out session, this time in the 31st Century. Timberwolf, Phantom Girl and Ultra Boy share Chinese food, coffee and ice cream with Colossus and Cyclops.

Initial scribble


Coloring begins



Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Wizard Lualabu

 Every sword & sorcery story needs an unhinged wizard... I present Lualabu (loo'-a-LAH"-boo).

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ball Point Pens

 Here is a ruined castle I am in the process of drawing in my big journal, using only five ball point pens (green, red, silver/gray, brown and purple), and the corresponding Pigma Micron pens:

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 The warrior Phrixes does his best to stop a misunderstanding between two parties: his sister Phria and her companion Benvolio, and his own teammates Berenyi and Diodiras. So much magic, so little time...

A lazy scribble I did in green ballpoint on cheap paper turned into a (still very rough) colored battle royale! It was fun to do, as I always enjoy turning something simple into something else.

Simple green ballpoint pen.

Inked with a Pigma Micron 08.

Colored with Pigma Microns, Prismacolor pencils, and Sharpies.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Mug Shot

 I was bored so I decided to draw a freehand picture of several of the adventure party "mug shot" style.

Unfortunately, the new paper I bought is annoyingly glossy, and very thin, so the colored pencils don't look smooth, and the various markers (Pigma Micron, Sharpie, etc...) don't blend right.

At any rate, it was fun to draw, but a pain in the ass to color satisfactorily. So I might just give the sketch pads away, and go back to a thicker, more rough surface.

Diodiras, Berenyi and Phrixes.

...all looking a bit underwhelmed.

Thursday, March 25, 2021


 After fighting against overwhelming odds, Berenyi casts a "Dimension Door" spell so she and the guys can escape. Diodiras readies one last spell while Sig holds off the enemy...

Friday, March 12, 2021

Table Talk

 A quick scribble of the foursome, done with a brown ball point pen. 

Then I decided to ink and color it, in order to spiff it up... 

I was going for an old-timey 'margin sketch', like the ones found in the 1st Edition books 

of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.

L to R: Phrixes, Sig, Berenyi and Diodiras,
enjoying food, drinks, and anecdotes,
as they divvy up their treasure.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Three Against Darkness

 After playing through the game once I grew bored with the rogue character, so I removed/revamped the lame S'Lyssa into the hopefully more interesting Sig (not pictured).

Here are the other three originals, heading out on a new adventure:

As always, there are glaring flaws in my drawing: the head of Phrixes is far too large for his body. Diodiras' mace looks like a pizza board, and his muscles pop far too much under his leather jacket armor. Berenyi is okay mostly, though I forgot to add the 'action lines' to indicate her spell-induced flight path. However, am very happy that I went beyond my typical group shot. 

Back to the drawing board!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Photo Reference

I used a photo of an actress to draw my wizard character Berenyi ("Four Against Darkness"). She is posing as if to cast a spell, but I drew her too large for the paper, and her arm (the whole point of the drawing) hasn't room enough to do its job!