Friday, April 30, 2021


While hanging out with the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century, a few of the X-Men stumble across Fatal Five member Validus on a mindless rampage. Cyclops leads Colossus and Cannonball in wrangling the misguided beast...

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Hanging Out

Another Legion of Super-Heroes and X-Men hang out session, this time in the 31st Century. Timberwolf, Phantom Girl and Ultra Boy share Chinese food, coffee and ice cream with Colossus and Cyclops.

Initial scribble


Coloring begins



Wednesday, April 21, 2021

The Wizard Lualabu

 Every sword & sorcery story needs an unhinged wizard... I present Lualabu (loo'-a-LAH"-boo).

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ball Point Pens

 Here is a ruined castle I am in the process of drawing in my big journal, using only five ball point pens (green, red, silver/gray, brown and purple), and the corresponding Pigma Micron pens:

Sunday, April 11, 2021


 The warrior Phrixes does his best to stop a misunderstanding between two parties: his sister Phria and her companion Benvolio, and his own teammates Berenyi and Diodiras. So much magic, so little time...

A lazy scribble I did in green ballpoint on cheap paper turned into a (still very rough) colored battle royale! It was fun to do, as I always enjoy turning something simple into something else.

Simple green ballpoint pen.

Inked with a Pigma Micron 08.

Colored with Pigma Microns, Prismacolor pencils, and Sharpies.