Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Orbs to Robot

I was drawing randomly, and wound up with a bunch of textured spheres. Later in the day, I still had the drawing itch, so I expanded upon the original scribble, and turned it into a robot pondering a work of art in a museum.

Saturday, November 23, 2024


I wanted to do at least one Thanksgiving-themed drawing so I came up with this one. I've done the whole 'turkey with an axe' thing before, but it's always fun!

Monday, November 18, 2024

Dem Boots

Sometimes you see something and you just want to draw it. This is Minju, one of the members of the K-Pop band Illit. In their music video for the song "Tick-Tack" she has on these giant pink boots, and they just add charm to the whole thing, so I drew her last night in a cartoony way.