Monday, July 8, 2024

Legion vs The Block Men

My latest drawing of the Legion of Super-Heroes, this time versus a self-created team of bad guys, the terraforming Block Men (I had abetter name but I forgot it as I slept).

The Block Men are ancient synthezoids, dropped in trios on planets to be terraformed. They are nearly indestructible, have the strength of a Daxamite/Kryptonian, and have eye-like receptors on 3 sides of their heads, making them hard to surprise. A trio was dropped accidentally on an inhabited world, and are engaging the Legion. Startlingly, a second trio is being dropped planetside as the battle rages!

Left to right: so far, the Block Men are fighting with Lamprey, Wildfire and Colossal Boy, while (unnamed) is unconscious on the ground. The second trio of Block Men is coming in from the upper left. More to come as I make progress...

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